FreeTSA - Guide: How to sign documents files with time stamp > XolidoSign 2.2.1.x

XolidoSign is a free program whose purpose is to sign existing PDF documents or any other kind of file by creating a signature file (.p7b or .tsr depending if you are digitally signing the file with your own certificate or just time stamping with a third party). You can also use this program to verify digital signatures.
You can get this program from:

Open XolidoSign

1 - Go to "Timestamp";
2 - Click in "Manage TimeStamp Server list";

3 - Click in "manage timestamp server list";
4 - Click in "Add new";
5 - Enter some name to help identify the service, for example: FreeTSA
6- Enter the service URL:
7- Accept;
8- Accept again, and again.

9 - In "Select a TimeStamp Server (TSA) select "FreeTSA" (or the name you choose);
10 - Choose the files you want to have digitally time stamp;
11 - Once you are happy with the selection, you can "start the process";
12 - If every things goes ok you should see a "good mark" in the result.


This program has more features, that you may want to use, explore the program to understand all the functionalities.

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Last update: October 14, 2015